Oct 17, 2013

India Trend: Giveaway Edition! (CLOSED)

Hello beauties! (and handsomes)

I am in the process of working with some amazing designers/shopowners. Not only am I having the honor of reviewing some of their products but they also have given me the privilege of hosting a giveaway! I really want this designer spotlight to take the form of giveaways and discounts so that you can enjoy the amazing things they have to offer.

Going to keep this post nice and shot. The rules are below

Giveaway rules
1) Follow indiatrend on these platforms
-- IG: @indiatrend
-- Facebook -- facebook.com/indiatrend
-- Twitter - @indiatrendshop
2) Follow my IG if you haven't already
-- @hiddenxxtruth
3) Pick an item on the site with a value of upto $50, and come up with a creative description for it! Use the hashtag #cssbgiveaway
3) Comment below on this post when you have done all those things

The giveaway end date has not been made up yet, I will keep you all posted on the date, based on the response we get.

So excited for this, hope you are too!

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