Oct 4, 2013

Honeymoon Essentials

I can't believe my last post was during my bachelorette, and now it has already been a month since I've been married. Time flies soo quickly!

I recently just came back from a wonderful honeymoon in Fiji with my love, seriously one of thee best places we have visited. The country and the people are so beautiful, it's unreal. While I was there, I thought I would come back and make a post of the things that I feel are essential for anyones honeymoon, I have lots of friends on their way to their own and figured others out there may like the help :)

Obviously since I went to a more tropical place this may not be helpful for those who may be going to a place full of snow and winter activities, but some of the tips may be helpful to you as well!

1) Pack smart
This seems like such a common sense thing right? However, I know that I always over pack. I have what I call the "what if I wanna wear my whole closet on this trip" syndrome. NO! First of all, do not forget that you probably will shop for yourself on your honeymoon. At the very least you may bring back some gifts and souvenirs. Give your luggage some space for those items to fit. Think about how many days you are going for and lay down what outfits you are prone to wear. Then tuck in a few extras just in case you want to switch up a shirt or a bottom, but not more than 2 each. Also, roll your clothes. You save a TON of space and its so much easier to unpack

( Pic Courtesy of Google Image)

2) Know your hair type
I should have known better that my hair does so well with salt water. I also should have known that I never ever use any of my hot tools when I am at the beach or in a tropical place. I am not saying that you shouldn't take your hot tools, all I am saying is know your hair and what you will use and what you won't. It takes us too much room and even weight for your luggage, especially if they are not used. Also, I would recommend to take some dry shampoo and humidity fighting hairspray, pretty much my go to items during my time in beautiful Fiji

( Small glimpse of my beach hair!)

3) Take lots of pictures
Again, seems like such an obvious one right? I personally drive my husband crazy with how many pictures I love to take. However, he is the one who is thankful afterwards. Of course you should enjoy and live in the moment, but I don't think trying to capture those moments on camera will ruin it. Years down the road these pictures are what will revive your memory of that wonderful honeymoon. The picture below is one of my fave from the trip and I am so glad I kind of forced my husband to just sit there and pose with me for it =)

( Right after our massage, we sat on the helipad and had my phone take this via self timer)

4) Be active
I know honeymoons are meant to be relaxing, and they def should be. Nothing felt better then just laying around the beach and the pool all day and getting massages. However, you should really experience everything your resort or destination has to offer. Zamil and I went kayaking and snorkeling numerous times, took a tour of the Castaway Island (where the film was shot). It really made the honeymoon that much more memorable

( Snorkeling in Fiji!)

( Basket weaving with Seko!)

5) Play dress up!
Seriously, take the time to doll up when you can. I used to get so excited to do my makeup and put my outfit together for dinner. It was a luxury that I knew I didn't always have once I came back, and also I would never be as motivated when I came back. It was great to take pictures and just dine and relax all while feeling pretty. Make your husband/wife do the same as well, makes for some great pics 
( My camera made me look so white here, but you get the idea)

( more casual but look at the beach curls )

6) Fall in love all over again
I hope this just happens to all of you honeymooners, I know I did.



  1. Hi Beautiful! I follow you on Instagram/read your blog and I love that you are such an effervescent,lovely bengali woman (REPRESENT). I realize this question is very personal so if you do not answer that's totally cool! So you mentioned in an instagram photo recently that you and your husband did the long distance thing for a whole before marriage; how did you find that? And would you have done the same, do you think if you guys lived in different countries?

    Again, I would love to hear your thoughts but I totally get that what I asked was personal, and I hope you do not mind it.

    1. Hey love!

      Than you SO much for the support, it means the world to me. Yes me and my husband dated long distance pretty much for 6 years, which is definitely a long time. It is seriously the most challenging but worthwhile thing I have ever done. It was full of so much sorrow and happiness. It is not for everyone and I can say that for sure. Two people have to be in it till the end. Whenever I fell weak my husband was my rock and vice versa. I would do it across oceans and seas and countries, but you really have to make sure you both are willing to give it your all and then 100% more. If you feel you have that then t all becomes worth it. Hope that was helpful <3


love hearing from you all! <3